Saturday, February 23, 2008

How to plan Option as independent demand item

This is in response to Rahul's query yesterday.

Steps are

1. Do a where who to identify which all option class this option belong to

2. Go to the BOM of each option and set the planning % = 0(zero) for the options which you want to plan as independent item

3. Go to Item Master and set the Item Level Planning Attribute for the item t='MPS Planned Item'

4. Load demand at Option Level

MRP will start planning Option as independent item and ignore the Option will calculating the dependent demand from the BOM of parent item


RKJ said...

Hi Shashi,

Thanks for posting this thread
This is what I understand now.

Setting planning percent to 0 is same as Planning factor in Bom Inventory components table, I guess.
If we do that, then, demand for dependent items will not be derived from the parent.

This can be maintained outside of ERP or within ERP as you described.

Thanks again.


Shashi Rai said...

Thats right .. Just set planning % to zero.

you can't set component quantity to zero as it will affect the ordering process even though planning wise it will have the same effect as setting planning % zero